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Joohee is a young woman with blue eyes, fair skin, and long bright orange hair that she either wears down or has tied up into a long ponytail. In her first appearance, she wore a simple brown fur coat.
Joohee is a compassionate and friendly woman who is fearful of the dangers of hunting, as displayed by how she always went on easy raids despite being a B-Rank healer and eventually retired altogether when she could not recover from her traumatizing experience in the Double Dungeon. She also has a close relationship with Jinwoo, as she frequently accompanied him on raids to make sure he didn't get killed and even got mad at him at one point for how often he got injured.
D-Rank Dungeon Arc
At a construction site where a D-Rank Gate had opened, Joohee saw Jinwo there. She was distressed that the E-Rank Hunter had gotten hurt again. She learned that her friend had gotten the injury from an E-Rank Dungeon, where only he got hurt. Joohee was taken aback of how that could have happened and was told that Jinwoo's team then did not have a healer. Joohee found this highly irresponsible of the hunters in which Jinwoo was teamed with, though Jinwoo told her it was his fault and it was okay. Joohee did not appear to agree but let the matter slide, as Song Chi-Yul called all the hunters to the Gate to begin the raid.[1]
In the dungeon, Joohee found herself healing the injury prone Jinwoo. As the raid was almost being wrapped up, Joohee decided to ask why Jinwoo was so set on being a hunter despite having not talent for it. Though she was told that he did it as a hobby, to which Joohee bluntly told him he was going to get himself killed if he was not careful. This caused Jinwoo to laugh, making Joohee scold him as he was opening his wounds.
After the other hunters had cleared out the monsters in the dungeon, a second dungeon entrance was discovered. On the decision of whether or not they should enter and reap any rewards, Joohee voted not to go.[2][3]
Ultimately thanks to Jinwoo's final vote the hunters decided to head into the second dungeon. This caused Joohee to be cross with Jinwoo as he was being reckless and getting himself into danger. Though she told him she would forgive Jinwoo if he took her out for a meal. Jinwoo lacking an answer made Joohee think he did not want her company, but before she could press the issue, their group found an elaborate door at the end of the tunnel that led to a myserious chamber filled with giant stone statues..[4] While the rest of the hunters looked around and focused on the runic inscription held by a statue of an angel, Joohee noticed that the Statue of God was watching them from the corner of its eye and alerted Jinwoo.
Later the doors to the chamber closed and a hunter attempted to leave was suddenly killed by one of the nearby statues. The death caused Joohee to panic and cry in Jinwoo's chest.[5] The Statue of God then began to move and use heat vision on the hunters. Jinwoo having saw it's intention, called everyone to duck, grabbing the frighten Joohee to the ground. After the statue killed a number of the hunters, Joohee was paralyzed with fear.[6][7] The girl still unable to mentally handle the situation, opted to curl on the ground, cowering in fear, as both Jinwoo and Chi-Yul tried to think of a way to escape their predicament.[8] When Jinwoo deciphered one of the commandments from the pedestal that required everyone to kneel before the Statue of God, Joohee having recovered a bit followed his instructions.[9]
In the next ordeal, which the hunters were forced to flee from being stepped on the statue, Joohee hand was grabbed by Jinwoo to get her moving so as to escape being crushed. Jinwoo eventually realized that the next commandment "of worshipping God" required them to stand by the statues with instruments which played when a hunter was by it. Jinwoo managed to get him and Joohee to a statue with a drum, but it refused to play any music, meaning that only one person could be allowed near a statue. Jinwoo willingly gave Joohee the spot whilst he ran to find another statue to stand by, much to her dismay and shock. In Jinwoo's struggle to survive from the Statue of God and dodging the hostile statues, the female hunter cried in fear for her friend's life. After he managed to crawl to a statue with a angel singing, the Statue of God retreated back to its throne, allowing Joohee to hurry to Jinwoo to see if he was alright, and was horrified to find that he had lost a portion of his lower right leg.[10]
Joohee wasted no time to try and heal the wound of Jinwoo's left with her magic, but overextended herself, causing her to vomit blood. An altar soon appeared in the center of the room, which Joohee and the others heard symbolized the last commandment, proving their faith to God and inferred a sacrifice was required. The girl and Jinwoo watched in shock at Sangshik aim his sword Chi-Yul to make him go on the altar as a way to atone for bringing everyone to the current disaster. Jinwoo tried to plead with Sangshik that it was not Chi-Yul's fault, Joohee urged him not to move due to his wound. When Chi-Yul stood at the altar and a flame appeared, Jinwoo asked to be taken to the altar to examine it. Joohee and the others watched at Jinwoo examined the mechanism with two helpers, before calling her and Sangshik to come over too. Upon stepping on the altar the doors of the dungeon opened and the giant statues began to slowly approach the altar.[11]
In response to the approaching doom, Joohee began trembling, to which Jinwoo told her to cover her eyes. Later she and Sangshik were shocked when it was discovered that escape was possible so long as someone kept their eyes on the statues and someone remained on the altar. Two of the survivors had chosen to abandon everyone at the altar, followed by Sangshik.[12]
Chi-Yul understanding the rules of the dungeon now, realized that the doors were slowly closing and would only remain open until at least one person stayed on the altar. In face of the approaching statues, Chi-Yul volunteered to stay, and told Joohee to help the crippled Jinwoo. Joohee however temporarily lost the use of her legs due to exhausting her mana after healing Jinwoo. Jinwoo noting his own inability to walk, believed that Chi-Yul instead get Joohee out of the room whilst he stayed behind. Joohee refused to leave Jinwoo behind, offering to stay behind instead. Though Jinwoo refused as he had to fulfill his own promise to her, which was to take her out for a meal. To that end he handed her his esence stone he collected and told her to get out and buy herself a meal with it. If he made it out alive, Jinwoo promised to come back to collect the change. Joohee cried angrily that he was making a joke off all times. She was distracted by Jinwoo, allowing Chi-Yul who proceed to knock her out from behind. At Jinwoo request, the older hunter solemnly took Joohee with him out the doors, leaving Jinwoo to his unknown fate.[13]
After Jinwoo miraculously survived his ordeal, he found himself in a hospital, where Woo Jinchul from the Hunters Association informed him of the fate of his two comrades, Chi-Yul and Joohee. For Joohee it seemed that she had been heavily traumatized and required therapy. According to Jinshul it was doubtful that she would return to work as a hunter.[14]
Dungeon & Lizards Arc
A week since the Double Dungeon Incident, Joohee returned to working as a hunter, joining a team of low rank hunters to clear a D-Rank Dungeon after it spawned near the Hapjeong Subway Station. Her team had already defeated most of the monsters that came through the Gate, however there was only the Stone Golem left which was the boss. For the boss the hunters were having difficulty in slaying it, and relied on their three healers, Joohee and two D-Ranks, to buff them. However Joohee was still affected by her trauma from the Double Dungeon and often could not focus properly in the battle. Even so she pushed her self to overcome her fear.
Just when it seemed that the hunters would be defeated by the golem, a miracle happened when it's defense broke, giving the hunters the opportunity to finally take it down. Unknown to the hunters and crowd gathered in the area, the golem had been attacked from a distance by Jinwoo. No one save Joohee noticed the E-Rank hunter depart.[15]
Dungeon & Prisoners Arc
Months after the Double Dungeon Incident, the Hunters Association, put out a request for her participation in a raid, for a D-Rank Dungeon. Joohee answered the request and that not only she was participating but almost every member from the incident was present. Upon seeing Jinwoo, Joohee was shocked at how much her friend had changed physically. The female hunter admitted that she tried to search for Jinwoo since the incident, and wanted to know what he had been up to since they last saw each other. She had many question such as his physical change also how he still had retained his missing foot.
Their reunion was cut short when the Association brought in hunters who were probational prisoners into the raid party with some even jeering and making passes at Joohee. The thought of working with such criminal was unsettling, though Joohee decided to go through with the raid since Jinwoo would be going.[16]
In the dungeon, their opponents proved to be goblins. After defeating them Chi-Yul brought up the fact Jinwoo was now armed and had improved fighting. Even Joohee noticed that on this raid she didn't even had to use her magic to heal him and asked if he was practicing a martial arts. While Joohee and her team had successfully defeated the magic beasts in the dungeon, Joohee was still suffering from her trauma from the Double Dungeon incident, though kept her fear secret. The hunters then came at a tunnel connected to three paths, which they then decided to split into three teams. For Joohee, she went with Chi-Yul and Jinwoo.[17]
While investigating their tunnel, a blood curling scream was sounded, causing Joohee's team to head back the way they came to see what was happening. As they arrived at the area, Joohee was nearly killed by Kang Taeshik, he agent who was suppose to be managing the criminals, however she was saved by Jinwoo. She was stunned when the agent openly stated his intentions to kill her due to her being a B-Rank Healer that could aid her comrades. Seeing that Taeshik intended to kill, them Joohee's found a badly injured Sangshik. The healer attempted to heal him but he was far too gone and succumbed to his wounds. Chi-Yul confronted Taeshik to protect his juniors, asked Joohee to buff him with her magic so he can stand a chance against the B-Rank Hunter.[18]
Coming soon!
Jeju Island Arc
Despite the trauma she had endured, Joohee willingly participated alongside Song Chi-Yul in defending the shores of Busan in case the ants invaded the city during the Jeju Island Raid.[19] When a large swarm of ants eventually arrived, Joohee nervously prepared to fight them, but was caught by surprise when Beru suddenly came out of nowhere and effortlessly slaughtered them all.[20]
After the Rulers used the Cup of Reincarnation one last time on Jinwoo's request, Joohee lost all her memories of the original timeline.[21]
In the new timeline, Joohee while walking in the streets, was contemplating on her success of getting accepted in a university at Seoul, though was worried about her Busan accent would be noticeable. Joohee has it turns out was aiming to become a nurse, though was annoyed that she had to learn the standard Korean dialect and on top of that English. Whilst in her musings, she passed by Jinwoo, who she sense looked vaguely familiar. She asked the young man if they ever met, but Jinwoo denied that they did, before leaving. After that, Joohee scolded herself for addressing a stranger.[22]
As a B-Rank, Joohee is a skilled healer and was able to heal Jinwoo on multiple occasions with little trouble. She was also able to use buff magic, as displayed when she gave Jinwoo a haste buff during his fight with Kang Taeshik.
In the Japanese version of the anime, Joohee's name is changed to Eri Mizuki (観月絵里).
External Links
Lee Joohee on the Solo Leveling ARISE Wiki
Lee Joohee on the Heroes Wiki